Friday 23 August 2024

Neurotransmitters and their Primary Functions



There are over 50 known types of neurotransmitters. Which was news to me, as I had never looked into it. My motto leave the psychologist to it,

Whose primary interest Monoamine

Which is group of neurotransmitter that psychologists apparently keep a key eye on?
As they are involved in a number of behaviors such as decision-making, emotional response, happiness, depression, and reward response.... am like perfect for mind control/ consumer.

from the list below, am like there is something missing, as for unknown expectations, am expecting melatonin. Than am like where the gut brain., where the cortisol, below is copy pasted organised information with bit of help from chat gpt and makes no sense to me. As means nothing to me in practical sense... for the moment.

Chakras/ meridians and nervous system seem to studied by the East but not the West.
Knowing how the human body works is essential for the recovery process, and how you want go about it.. for some.

So keep awake if your going to read below

Laters fazmax

Types of monoamines are serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine

 8  numbered   neurotransmitter  are main  circuit  of interest, to well-being 


This neurotransmitter and hormone are also known as adrenaline. This is a stress hormone that is released into the bloodstream via the adrenal glands. This is an excitatory class of neurotransmitter as it stimulates the central nervous system.

If there is too much adrenaline in the bloodstream, this could lead to high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, and an increased risk of a stroke. If there is too little adrenaline, however, this can lead to diminished excitement and not being able to react appropriately in stressful situations, diminishing the stress response.


Also produced in the adrenal glands, this neurotransmitter is a naturally occurring chemical, also known as noradrenaline. This is an excitatory neurotransmitter as it stimulates the brain and body, also produced within the brainstem and hypothalamus.

This chemical helps in activating the body and brain to take action during times of stress or when in dangerous situations.

It is especially prevalent during the fight-or-flight response, aiding in alertness. Noradrenaline is at its peak during times of stress but lowest during sleep cycles.

If levels of noradrenaline are too high, this can lead to high blood pressure, excessive sweating, and anxiety. Low levels of this chemical could mean that energy levels are lower, concentration is lacking, and could also contribute to depressed feelings.

1. Dopamine:

Function: Involved in reward, motivation, pleasure, and motor control. It plays a crucial role in the brain's reward system, influencing mood and behavior. A neuroscientist from Stanford called dopamine “the neurotransmitter of more.”
Relation to Mental Health: Dysregulation of dopamine is associated with conditions like schizophrenia (often linked to excess dopamine) and Parkinson's disease (associated with low dopamine levels). It's also connected to addiction and reward-seeking behaviors, as well as depression and ADHD.

Look into dopamine detox

2. Serotonin:

Function: Regulates mood, appetite, sleep, memory, and learning. It's often associated with feelings of well-being and happiness.

Relation to Mental Health: Low levels of serotonin are linked to depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. Many antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

When High: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, headaches, decreased sex drive, agitation
When Low: Constipation, decreased GI health, depression, anxiety



Adenosine is a neuromodulator type of neurotransmitter that functions in suppressing arousal and improving sleep cycles. Adenosine is commonly found in the presynaptic regions of the hippocampus and acts as a central nervous system depressant.

Consistently high levels of this neurotransmitter can cause hypersensitivity to touch and heat.

If there is too little adenosine, this can cause anxiety and trouble sleeping. Caffeine is what is known as an adenosine blocker which causes the adenosine receptors to be blocked. This is why caffeine can cause issues with sleeping, and is not recommended to drink too late in the day.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Another type of purine found in the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. ATP has a role in autonomic control, sensory transduction, and communication with glial cells.

It essentially carries energy between cells through being released by activated neurons and passed onto other active neurons in the brain. ATP is excitatory in several brain regions, such as the hippocampus and somatosensory cortex.

Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline):

Function: Involved in the body's "fight or flight" response, affecting attention, arousal, and stress response. It also influences mood and anxiety.

When High: Anxiety, increased heart rate, hypertension
When Low: Depression, lack of focus, low energy

Relation to Mental Health: Norepinephrine affects attention, response to stress, and energy levels. Imbalances are linked to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. is an excitatory neurotransmitter that’s important for attention/focus, sleeping, dreaming, and learning. It raises energy levels and blood pressure and can even serve as a hormone in the body, although it mostly functions as a neurotransmitter.

Some antidepressants, like serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), target this neurotransmitter.

3.GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid):

Function: The primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, it reduces neuronal excitability and is involved in regulating muscle tone and preventing anxiety.

Relation to Mental Health: GABA is crucial for calming brain activity. Low levels of GABA are associated with anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and epilepsy. Medications like benzodiazepines enhance GABA activity to reduce anxiety and induce calmness.

When High: Excessive sedation, cognitive impairment, muscle weakness
When Low: Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, seizures


Function: The main excitatory neurotransmitter, crucial for learning and memory. It is involved in synaptic plasticity, with receptors found in the central nervous system in the neurons and the glia. The process by which connections between neurons are strengthened.  If there is an excess amount of glutamate, this could result in excitotoxicity – meaning that neurons are killed due to overactivations of glutamate receptors.

Relation to Mental Health: As the main excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate is involved in cognitive functions like learning and memory. Dysregulation is implicated in conditions such as schizophrenia, depression, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

5. Glutamate is  amino acid, which supports cognitive functions such as memory formation and learning. This is known as the most abundant neurotransmitter, which is found in the central nervous system.

Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter 

When High: Neurotoxicity, anxiety, overstimulation
When Low: Cognitive impairment, depression

If these neurons are destroyed, this could lead to conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and epilepsy.

If there is not enough glutamate, this could result in psychosis, insomnia, concentration problems, mental exhaustion, or even death.

6. Acetylcholine:

Function: Involved in muscle activation, attention, learning, and memory. It's also critical for the autonomic nervous system, affecting heart rate and digestion.

Acetylcholine is the only known neurotransmitter of its kind found in both the central nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The main function of this type is focused on muscle movements, memory, and learning, associated with motor neurons.

Too much acetylcholine is linked with increased salivation, muscle weakening, blurred vision, and paralysis.

Too little acetylcholine is linked to learning and memory impairments, as well as being shown to have links to dementia and Alzheimer’s, according to research

Relation to Mental Health: Acetylcholine is vital for memory and learning. Altered levels are associated with cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease, and it plays a role in attention deficit disorders.

7. Peptides Endorphins:

Function: Act as natural painkillers and are involved in feelings of euphoria and well-being. They are released during exercise, excitement, and other activities.

This is an inhibitory type of neurotransmitter that works in lowering the transmission of pain signals to the brain and promotes feelings of euphoria. In terms of structure, endorphins are similar to opioids and work in similar ways.

Endorphins are primarily made within the hypothalamus and pituitary glands in response to pain but can also be released when completing physical activity (contributing to a ‘runner’s high’).

There are not many known symptoms of having too many endorphins, but it could lead to an addiction to exercise. If there were a deficit in endorphins, this could result in feelings of depression, headaches, anxiety, mood swings, and a condition called fibromyalgia (chronic pain).

Relation to Mental Health: Known as natural painkillers, endorphins are also linked to mood regulation and stress reduction. Low levels of endorphins may contribute to depression and chronic pain conditions.

8. Histamine:

Function: Plays a role in immune responses, regulating sleep-wake cycles, and controlling the release of stomach acid. It also contributes to the inflammatory response.


When High: Anxiety, allergic reactions, insomnia
When Low: Depression, fatigue, cognitive sluggishness

Relation to Mental Health: Beyond its role in allergic reactions, histamine is involved in regulating sleep and wakefulness. Imbalances can lead to issues like insomnia, anxiety, and even certain psychotic symptoms.

Neurotransmitters play a crucial role in regulating mood, emotions, and cognition, making them central to mental health. Imbalances or dysregulation in neurotransmitter systems can contribute to various mental health disorders.

In mental health treatment, understanding and modulating neurotransmitter activity is key to managing symptoms. Medications, psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, and other treatments often aim to restore balance in these neurotransmitter systems to improve mental health outcomes.

Finish reading well done.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Unlocking Potassium's Potential: Health Benefits, Deficiencies, and Natural Support

Potassium is the second most abundant cation in the human body and the most abundant intracellular cation. About 98% of the body's potassium is found within cells, especially in muscle cells. This intracellular concentration is vital for maintaining normal cellular function, including nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, and heart function.

On mental or psychological level it help to free us from fears , melancholy, depression and feeling or fear of failure.
It promotes contentment and tranquillity, in particular to sensitivity to pain , noise
(A godsend when you have noisy neighbours ) and restlessness removes the feeling of not being worthy and being victim gaslighting, victim of bad karma or unseen forces.

Potassium improves perception analytical use of intuition on an intelligence level, discrimination between illusion or wishful thinking, and more relax attitude towards spiritual expressions sodium on the other hand promotes a sense of tradition

Natural Reserve Depletion: As people age, the body's ability to maintain potassium levels can decrease. This can be due to factors such as reduced kidney function, changes in dietary habits, and a natural decline in muscle mass, where much of the body's potassium is stored. Additionally, the body's efficiency in absorbing and utilizing potassium from food can diminish, leading to potential deficiencies.

Age-Related Dehydration: Older adults are more susceptible to dehydration, which can affect potassium levels. Dehydration increases the risk of hypokalemia, especially if there is an insufficient intake of potassium through diet or if diuretics are used.

Role of Potassium as an Electrolyte

Electrical Conductivity: As an electrolyte, potassium carries a positive electrical charge. It is crucial for maintaining the electrical gradients across cell membranes, which is essential for the conduction of nerve impulses and muscle contractions.

Cellular Function: Potassium is the major intracellular cation, meaning it is predominantly found inside the cells. It helps maintain the proper function of cells by regulating their osmotic balance, enzyme activities, and the transmission of electrical impulses.

Balance with Sodium: Potassium works closely with sodium, another key electrolyte, to maintain the body’s fluid balance, acid-base balance, and electrical activity in cells. While sodium is primarily found outside the cells, potassium is inside, and their balance is essential for proper physiological function.

Key Role in Regulation: The kidneys are responsible for maintaining potassium balance by excreting excess amounts. With age, kidney function often declines, making it harder to regulate potassium levels.

Which is inline with chinese medicine and 5 elements
Namely water kidney bladder , which in its turn control the lower back , open to the ears , and expresses itself through groaning and fear.

The spiritual goal of water is gratitude or you can use the classic phrase 'be water my friend'

Inbalance in the 'water phase' is inability to regulate body fluids which cannot only affect the unrinatary tract, dry stools sweating etc.

In ability to to reserve Qi which can effect male and female fertility which can also relate difficulty breathing , and palpitations.
In ability to of the body to govern bones and teeth which can mean aching bones that can affect mobility through to dental pain

Inability to flourish in the brain and the hair of the head
Insomnia dizziness mental confusion even amnesia loss of memory

Blood Pressure Regulation

Potassium helps counteract the effects of sodium, which can raise blood pressure. By maintaining a proper balance, potassium helps keep blood pressure within a healthy range, reducing the risk of hypertension and associated cardiovascular diseases.

Impact of Chronic Stress: Chronic stress can deplete potassium levels in the body. Stress hormones like cortisol can affect kidney function, promoting potassium excretion and leading to lower potassium reserves over time. Additionally, stress can influence dietary choices, potentially leading to lower intake of potassium-rich foods, further exacerbating the problem.

Hormonal Changes:

Aldosterone and Aging: Aldosterone, a hormone that regulates potassium, can decrease with age. This reduction can impair the body's ability to retain potassium, contributing to lower levels.

Vibrational Medicine Perspective

Energetic Signature:   clearly water body  in 5 chinese  elements, allows  water to leave the cells  hence a detox  signiture as well.

Balancing Energies: Potassium is believed to help balance the body's electrical energies. Since potassium is crucial for nerve transmission and cellular function, its vibrational energy is thought to harmonize the body's energetic field, promoting overall well-being and a sense of equilibrium.

Cellular Communication: On a vibrational level, potassium is seen as a facilitator of cellular communication. Just as it enables the transmission of electrical signals in the nervous system, its vibrational essence is believed to enhance communication between cells on a subtle, energetic level, supporting the body's natural healing processes.

1. Stress Regulation

Cortisol Modulation: Potassium plays a role in regulating cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels, associated with chronic stress, can lead to various health issues such as weight gain, high blood pressure, and impaired cognitive function. Adequate potassium intake helps balance cortisol production, mitigating the physical and emotional effects of stress.

Nervous System Stability: Potassium ensures the stability of the nervous system by facilitating proper nerve transmission. Under stress, the nervous system can become overactive, leading to symptoms like anxiety, restlessness, and irritability. Potassium helps calm the nervous system, reducing these symptoms and promoting a sense of relaxation.

Energy and Fatigue: Chronic stress often leads to fatigue and exhaustion. Potassium contributes to cellular energy production by aiding in the metabolism of nutrients. By ensuring that your body has enough energy, potassium helps you better cope with stress and reduces feelings of tiredness.

2. Holistic Health Benefits

Mood Regulation: Potassium impacts neurotransmitter function, particularly serotonin, which is crucial for mood regulation. By supporting the production and release of serotonin, potassium can help improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Sleep Quality: Potassium has a calming effect on the body, which can improve sleep quality. Better sleep is directly linked to lower stress levels and improved mental health. People with adequate potassium levels are less likely to suffer from insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns, leading to better overall health.

Heart Health: The heart is particularly vulnerable to the effects of stress. Potassium helps maintain normal heart function by regulating blood pressure and preventing hypertension, a common stress-related condition. By supporting cardiovascular health, potassium contributes to the overall resilience of the body under stress.

For me personally  
I have tried walnut hull husk , which will be available around Christmas time again
Upon the quantity you want make:
whole walnut with the nuts still inside

bring to boil in saucepan of water , 

simmer for  full hour,

 than allow to cool down, 

drink whole glass of walnut infused water.

Walnut infused  water is old Russian  remedy to clear 'energy blockages' something  I have  every now and added  healing bath or foot bath , up until recently  never drank it, came across tik tok video ,basically  saying to drink it and to expect  unsightly  No.2.   I know its tincture  helpful for  parasite cleanse. Looking up  benefits  of walnut shell/ husk  rich  in  Ellagic acid which may help prevention of narrowing of the arteries  which is caused by plaque build up, quite alot be discovered  here by bit of research.

Potassium itself is not found in essential oils, as essential oils are primarily composed of volatile compounds that are extracted from plants, such as terpenes and aromatic molecules. These volatile compounds do not contain minerals like potassium. However, some essential oils can indirectly support the body’s ability to maintain healthy potassium levels by promoting overall well-being, aiding in stress reduction, and supporting bodily functions that may influence potassium balance.

Essential Oils that Support Potassium Balance and Overall Well-Being or
help with the function of the kidneys :

While they don't contain potassium, the following essential oils can help support bodily functions and systems that influence potassium levels:

Water phase essential oils:Celery seed, Eucalyptus, nutmeg , pine, white cedar, , birch , black pepper geranium, sage. Cedarwood Atlas, lemongrass, ginger root

Uses: Use in a diffuser, or dilute with a carrier oil and apply to the skin, especially over the adrenal glands or on pulse points.

Basil Essential Oil & Lavender Essential Oil By helping to reduce stress and promote restful sleep, lavender oil may indirectly support potassium balance, as chronic stress can negatively affect electrolyte levels.

Geranium Essential Oil . It also has a balancing effect on the body’s hormones and can reduce stress.

Cypress Essential Oil known to improve circulation and lymphatic drainage, which can help the body maintain proper fluid and electrolyte balance, including potassium levels.

One can easily look up food and herbs rich in potassium

How ever for newbies might not be enough

Apple cider vinegar rich in potassium 1 tsp with your chosen juice drink
Potassium supplements are available and looking up daily recommended allowance with pinch of salt.

I suggest looking up potassium chloride salt which can be combined with wholesome salt 60/ 40 ratio and use that mixture as part of home cooking

Or as needed on daily basis and electrolytes water solution
1/4 potassium chloride
1/4 msm (sulphur) 
1 tsp magnesium flakes
Stir well into large glass of water , and drink up.

Optional pinch or two  of bicarbonate  soda  -  has cleansing effect on kidneys  too

laters fazmax

Ps  below for those into crystals 

Those newbies who are into crystals and gemstone might want consider using following stones to keep the energetic balance. In crystal healing, crystal meditation or simply by wearing them as jewellery or key chain

Potassium-rich crystals and gemstones are valued not only for their physical composition but also for their energetic and metaphysical properties. Here are some notable examples:

1. Muscovite

Composition: Muscovite is a type of mica that contains significant amounts of potassium. It typically appears in shades of white, silver, and light pink.

Metaphysical Properties: Muscovite is known for its high vibrational energy, which is believed to enhance mental clarity, intuition, and spiritual insight. It is often used to align the chakras, particularly the crown chakra, and is thought to help one connect with higher realms and spiritual guidance.

2. Orthoclase

Composition: Orthoclase is a potassium feldspar mineral, usually found in colors ranging from white to pale yellow and sometimes pink.

Metaphysical Properties: Orthoclase is associated with inner strength and perseverance. It is believed to help with emotional healing and to provide grounding energy, making it useful for stabilizing emotions and encouraging a positive outlook. Orthoclase is also linked to the solar plexus chakra, supporting personal power and confidence.

3. Amazonite

Composition: Amazonite is a variety of potassium feldspar, often recognized by its beautiful turquoise-green color.

Metaphysical Properties: Amazonite is known as the "Stone of Courage and Truth." It is believed to soothe the spirit and calm the soul, helping to alleviate anxiety and emotional trauma. Amazonite is also associated with the heart and throat chakras, promoting open communication and harmonious relationships.

4. Lepidolite

Composition: Lepidolite is a lithium-rich mica that also contains potassium. It usually exhibits a lavender or pinkish hue.

Metaphysical Properties: Lepidolite is known for its calming and balancing properties. It is often used to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The stone is connected to the heart, third eye, and crown chakras, facilitating emotional healing, spiritual growth, and deep inner peace.

5. Moonstone

Composition: Moonstone is a potassium aluminum silicate feldspar. It is often found in colors ranging from milky white to peach, with a characteristic sheen.

Metaphysical Properties: Moonstone is revered for its connection to the moon and feminine energies. It is thought to enhance intuition, promote emotional balance, and support new beginnings. Moonstone is often used to balance the sacral chakra and is believed to aid in enhancing fertility and creativity.

6. Sanidine

Composition: Sanidine is another variety of potassium feldspar, often found in volcanic rocks. It typically appears in colorless, yellow, or brownish hues.

Metaphysical Properties: Sanidine is associated with clarity of thought and purpose. It is believed to help with decision-making and to provide a sense of direction and focus. This stone is also thought to connect with the solar plexus chakra, supporting willpower and self-discipline.

7. Smoky Quartz

Composition: While not primarily a potassium mineral, smoky quartz often contains trace amounts of potassium. It is a variety of quartz with shades ranging from light brown to nearly black.

Metaphysical Properties: Smoky quartz is known for its grounding and protective qualities. It is believed to absorb and transmute negative energy, helping to relieve stress and promote emotional calmness. Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra, enhancing stability and security.

Saturday 11 April 2020

Copper the poor man Gold EMF

EMF protection via copper water

Copper is an essential trace mineral that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. While it doesn't directly counteract electromagnetic fields (EMF), it does have benefits that could potentially help the body handle EMF exposure more effectively.
Copper has been used in traditional medicine practices for centuries. It is believed to have various healing properties, including detoxification and balancing the body's energies.
Is useful for mental and physical exhaustion from over use of the mind or from loss of sleep
Harmonises the astral emotional and physical bodies, an imbalances between these two bodies can create a range of symptoms in physical and mental capacity
Lack of copper in the body can result in a person being restless, excitable , apathetic, neurotic or even early signs of psychosis
The use of copper in left -right disorders, pineal and pituitary gland are strengthened
Copper aligns the first 5 chakras and opens the heart helping to achieve balance within vibrational bodies.
Copper is an element of high conductive properties activating the bodies natural electrical properties, which allows for subtle auric bodies to be aligned.
Copper eases the fear of death, poor memory and the inability to retain thoughts. Copper increases dream activity and helps develop creative imagination
Balances the mood and promote expression of feeling and dissolves confusion
Copper aids the absorbing of iron.
Here are some of the benefits of copper for the human body, particularly in the context of EMF exposure:
Antioxidant Properties: Copper is a key component of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps protect cells from oxidative stress. EMF exposure can increase free radicals in the body, leading to oxidative stress. Adequate copper levels can support antioxidant defenses, reducing potential damage from EMF.
Nervous System Support: Copper is vital for the development and maintenance of the nervous system. Since EMF exposure is thought to potentially affect nervous system function, maintaining proper copper levels may help support overall neurological health.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Copper has anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial since EMF exposure has been linked to inflammatory responses in some studies. Proper copper intake can help modulate inflammation in the body.
Immune System Support: Copper plays a role in the immune system, helping to defend the body against infections and maintaining overall health. A strong immune system may better handle the stressors, including those from EMF exposure.
Energy Production: Copper is involved in the production of energy at the cellular level, specifically in the mitochondria. Healthy energy production is vital for all bodily functions, especially in combating any potential effects of EMF exposure.
Bone and Connective Tissue Health: Copper contributes to the health of bones and connective tissues. Some concerns around EMF exposure relate to its potential impact on calcium metabolism and bone health, so sufficient copper levels could be important.
Copper Water Vessels: Drinking water stored in copper vessels is believed to have health benefits, including improved digestion, better skin health, and enhanced immune function. The practice, rooted in ancient Ayurvedic medicine, suggests that copper-infused water can help balance the body's three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).
Copper Bracelets: Some people wear copper bracelets for their purported ability to alleviate symptoms of arthritis and joint pain. While scientific evidence is mixed, many users report reduced pain and inflammation when using copper jewelry.
Overall, copper products are not only functional and durable but also offer unique health and environmental benefits, making them a valuable addition to various aspects of life.
Copper is a fundamental material used in the creation of tensor rings, which are tools often employed in various spiritual, metaphysical, and holistic practices. Tensor rings are circular devices made by twisting or braiding copper wire into a specific geometric pattern, which is believed to create a subtle energy field with various beneficial properties. Here’s how copper is used in tensor rings and the associated benefits
Energy Conduction and Amplification
Conductor of Subtle Energies
Healing and Balancing Properties
Environmental Harmonization
EMF Protection
Clearing and Charging Spaces
Tensor rings are also used to clear and charge living spaces. The copper in the rings helps to create a stable, coherent energy field that can cleanse the space of negative energies and infuse it with positive vibrations.
Sacred geometry refers to the study of geometric shapes that are seen as fundamental to the creation and structure of the universe. These shapes are often found in nature and have been used in spiritual and religious contexts for centuries. Sacred geometry is based on the idea that these shapes resonate with the underlying structure of the cosmos and can influence energy fields, consciousness, and matter. The scope is immense ...
The Flower of Life is one of the most well-known patterns in sacred geometry. It consists of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles arranged in a hexagonal pattern, forming a flower-like structure. Within it, various other geometric shapes can be found, including the Seed of Life, Vesica Piscis etc.
Practitioners use these geometric shapes for spiritual growth, healing, and protection. The Flower of Life is often used as a meditative focus.
while the Genesa Crystal and Pentasphere are used to create balanced energy fields in physical spaces.
In the 1940’s, Agricultural Geneticist Dr. Derald Langham, discovered that at the 8-cell stage of development, the cellular structure of all living organisms is identical. From this point in development, Dr. Langham asserted that “life can expand in any direction.” He was the first to discover that this shape, technically referred to as a cubatahedron, “
The Genesa Crystal contains within its design all 5 Platonic Solids-the shapes that are the building blocks for all organic life, including the Star of Tetrahedron. The Star of Tetrahedron is believed by many to be the specific geometric shape that surrounds the human body, and the basis of the Merkabah.
Genesa Crystal aligns the physical body with the spiritual body, speeding up life’s spiritual processes. When used in combination with meditation and pranic breathing.
Genesa Crystal
Sacred Geometry: The Genesa Crystal is based on the cube octahedron, a shape related to sacred geometry. Sacred geometry involves geometric shapes and patterns that are believed to have spiritual significance and are found throughout nature. The cube octahedron a symmetrical shape consisting of eight triangular faces and six square faces. It is symmetrical and highly balanced, embodying principles of equilibrium and harmony.This form is considered a three-dimensional expression of the Flower of Life’s principles, embodying balance and harmony.
Vector Equilibrium: The cube octahedron is also known as the "vector equilibrium" in the work of Buckminster Fuller. It represents the point at which all forces are in perfect balance. This idea can be extended to energy fields, where the shape is thought to create a balanced flow of energy, though this remains a theoretical concept rather than a scientifically proven one.
Sacred Geometry Connection: The Genesa Crystal's shape is derived from sacred geometry principles, particularly the idea of perfect balance and equilibrium in geometric forms. It’s sometimes referred to as a “sacred geometric structure in motion” due to its dynamic, yet balanced, shape.
Symbolic Meaning: It is believed to act as an energy conduit, balancing and harmonizing the energy in its environment. The Genesa Crystal is used for manifestation, healing, and creating a coherent energy field, much like the Flower of Life.

Pentasphere Description and Geometry
Structure: The Pentasphere is a spherical geometric structure that incorporates pentagonal symmetry. It can be seen as a three-dimensional expression of the five-sided symmetry often associated with the dodecahedron, one of the Platonic solids, which also holds significance in sacred geometry.
Sacred Geometry Connection: The Pentasphere’s pentagonal symmetry is connected to the golden ratio (phi), a key principle in sacred geometry that appears in various natural forms, from the spirals of shells to the branching of trees. This symmetry is believed to resonate with the fundamental patterns of life and the universe.
Symbolic Meaning: Like the Genesa Crystal, the Pentasphere is used for harmonizing and balancing energy. Its structure is thought to interact with the Earth’s natural energy fields, promoting coherence and equilibrium in its environment.
The pentasphere itself represents the womb of all humanity, where we can reach out from our humanselves to touch the infinite and see that all things are one. Because the pentasphere combines the powerful forces of the sphere (where all possibilities exist), the triangle (which represents the trinity of mind, body, and spirit and which brings stability to all things), and the pentagon (which represents humanity, consciousness, and life itself), it brings with it a tremendous amount of power.
Personal experience

Experience / report 1
copper infused water just before bed time patted on at the eyes and face
alot level of heat was released from the eyes   & face , for the first in some time slept through night without diffuser!
Hands  as   expected in healing mode but don't recall heat.
Copper water  in fused water   method will be best to  do section by section of  the head- not all in one go or indeed in one day a section  at a time per day 
This is because  possibility intense heat  release , after that shouldn't be dealing  accumulated radiation?
Method 2
Also infused copper wateras eye pads
Or bit soaked in cotton  wool at belly button & ear.
Experience report 2
Was able hear vibrations of Qur'an better.( Or holy scriptures) Usually only happens in fasting month  like  pleasent ping  ping sensation around head

Experience report 3
Genesa and Pentasphere
Had the classic newbie issue of not being able to sleep, after 2021 , let us not name or shame causes behind it, seriously thought I had mastered it, Genesa and Pentasphere from etsy and amazon, it was one of the few metaphysical items that has some science behind it, and impressive reviews by those who had bought it on Etsy ... resolved my insomnia as well as sleep quality.
Stainless steel however is best metal to have it in.

Anyway 👀 look into can deflect say in harmonious say astrological energies
And bring in useful energies

Laters fazmax

Ps look into
Negative ion generater 

Orgone / orgonite

Earthing sheet.  With plug

Seaweed /kelp powder

And  use copper penny in diffuser it work   so much better

 You will also find people using aluminium foil  in between Mobile devices and it covers 

And look up my 

aluminium pillow blog note
Earthing blog note 

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Flower Remedies and Aromatherapy for Mental Health

Started this over two years ago, still not complete,  but hope it's helpful 

flower remedies and aromatherapy

Talking about flower remedies and aromatherapy
Is a bit like talking about music  
one can talk at great length about music
But is only by listening  to music to what all the rave is about

Let us first talk about flower remedies

The Subtle  energies of flower  essences work their way through the physical circulatory systems and nerves to reach the meridians

Dr Bach the pioneer of flower remedies correctly perceived  that the illness- personality link was due the out growth of dys-functional  energetic patterns within the subtler  bodies ??
Refer to PDF

Some flower essences are so ethereal and universal that they do not interfere with other vibrational remedies

These flower remedies include cherry larkspur, lilic, lotus mango, papaya,  yarrow and all roses

The colour of the flower is usually a good indicator to chakra of association 

If your planning on ingesting flower remedies 
which of course you can 
the instruction  usually say about 2drops to per glass of water.

Again as with chillax herbal tea blend may not be correct dosage 
Gurudas  flower remedy book says  
up to 9 drops flower remedy in a glass of 'still water'

So go with 5 drops at first of single or combo flower remedy and adjust as you see fit 

In the candle burner blend given further down below  much less is needed.

two drops combo plus  a drop of single flower remedies [up to 5  different one ]more than sufficient,  because the method works directly with the subtle anatomy

Note: to many remedies taken at once would tend to over stimulate the release of toxins from the system

Aromatherapy are natural non synthetic fragrances 
Which reach the olfactory nerves  in  the nose 
which are directly linked to the brain and subtle anatomies energy. 

Aromatherapy acts powerfully to 
revitalises , polarises and dis-charge cells , 
replenishes electronic shortages  

by recharging - the bio-electro magnetic  glance of the human body
and dispersing cellular residue 
by dissolving the vicious and 
diseased substances of body fluids

recommended reading

Julia lawless ,  
and books by Valerie Ann worwood
Such the fragrant heavens 

In the butterfly expression pdf a unique chemistry feature is pinpointed known as "Sesquiterpene"  that some E.O. Possess 
“sesquiterpene’ - is the chemistry structure of some essential oils  
that has a very this interesting feature 
as it is able to crosses the blood/ brain barrier 

The blood/ brain  barrier is the membrane  between the circulating blood and the brain 
that prevents certain damaging substances  from entering  the brain tissues and cerebrospinal fluid

As well entering the brain tissues and nourishing,
it increases oxygen  around  the pineal and pituitary  glands 
that has a profound affect on attitude  and emotion 

this allows on subtler level the unique capability  of deleting faulty information in cellular  memory, 

plus all of them are immune stimulant

The list Essential Oils that have this unique chemistry in abundance have been listed in the pdf attachment

cedarwood, patchouli, sandalwood, ginger, blue cypress, myrrh, vitever chaste tree, chamomile german, black pepper, spikenard,
Ylang Ylang , this  blood brain barrier and bring increased amount of 

healing properties essential oils to the limbic system  of the brain

present also in the limbic system of the brain is a gland called amyglada [also known as the brain solution center] 
Which is directly connected to the ol-factory bulb 
which  is stimulated by sense of smell and by our thought.

The essential aroma reaches this level of the body and aids in releasing  patterns that are not serving us well
That our cells often have incorrect perception imbedded in their memories  

The anecdotal evidence shows that oils are amplified by  our intent,
the intent of the user  will move molecules 
of essential oil where it is needed to, more quickly 

Look at page 24 table body area and emotion 

Page 64

Another chemistry feature to be looking for is Aldehydes 
it is the main 
Main feature of oils such melissa, lemongrass citronella and lemony of eucalyptus  are calming  to the nervous system  and are ant-inflammatory

Which brings us to Anti-inflammatory properties
 A link has been made  over stressed nerves (over heat?  ) /nerve cell inflammation and  depression and why food/ supplement of  good essential fatty acids are a must , 
I must admit  an huh itty bitty  capsule a day for all them  agitated/ inflamed nerves cells , or overly charged cell,  in which case you might be better off doing the Aryuvedic  - oleation  therapy  because every nerve cell is layered by fat cells 
so another feature the essential  oil you plan on using 
should ideally have have anti-inflammatory properties too.

I am pointing out following chakra  as they are the most affected by stress; and energetic blockages as well the allocated E.O. For them

Crown chakra  
antopogon, cedar wood, fir siberica, frankincense , jasmine lavender, melissa , neroli,  pine sandalwood  spikenard, rose

Throat chakra
cedar wood, chamomile [Egyptian, roman ,german] cyress, basil, fir siberica, frankincense, helichrysm , myrrh, peppermint, petitgrain, rosewood, sage, sandalwood

Sacral or naval chakra ,
Cedarwood, clarysage,  cinnamon bark and berry, coriander, fennel ,frankincense ,nutmeg ,orange sweet, oregano, patchouli, sage, sandalwood  tea tree , tea tree Ylang Ylang,   zanthoxylum, benzoin, cardamon, fennel, sandalwood, elemi 

Page 105-103 essential oil for various emotion  

Water therapies i.e. bath tub / footbath are one of the best form to utilise Aromatherapy and flower remedies 

Recommended reading 

Water magic  healing bath recipes  for the body and soul by Mary Muryn

Use the same number of flower remedies drops as used for candle burner method

If you haven't as of yet bought an essential oil (E.O.) 
consider doing so now. 

Ideally go by the fragrance that you like 
as the saying go, 
the nose knows -
needless to say some stores do not allow you to sample the fragrance in sample bottle

in which case a little research is called for on your part, 

From Julia lawless book , I have listed the oils that have an affinity 
for the nervous system

All spice, angelica ,lemon balm  ,basil, bergamot, cardomon, cedar wood , cinnamon leaf, coriander, elemi, cypress, frankincense  geranium, helichrysum, 
hops, hyacinth hyssop jasmine , juniper true lavender, lemongrass, linaloe, linden, mandarin, 
sweet marjoram ,mimosa, 
mint [peppermint and spearmint] 
orange [sweet/ bitter] neroli, petitgrain, scotch pine, rose [cabbage and damask]
Rosemary, rosewood clarysage, sandalwood, hemlock spruce, valerian lemon verbena, vetiver,  violet, yarrow ylang ylang, citronella

if you were enrolling onto an aromatherapy course you'd be told to buy 12 essential oil,

how ever I'm aware some of you may be on budget/ or indeed true sceptics’ . So improvise and get four  for now with the following qualities as well chemistry properties mentioned above

if your really pushed than *geranium essential oil* is quite versatile 

1st muscle relaxing essential oils I have listed option in the pdf 

French basil, chamomile, coriander, eucalyptus , ginger, helichrysum, lavender, lemongrass, sweet marjoram, pine rosemary sage etc

2nd E.O. That has an affinity for the lungs
usually derived from the leaves 
I have listed option in the pdf
and yes we are focusing breathing ...your options eucalyptus , cypress , pine, thyme cedarwood etc... 

The 3rd E.O. base note  grounding quality 
essential  oils  would be the pricier one ideally be the grounding / calming 
I have listed option in the pdf
E.O. Frankincense , patchouli , vetiver , lemon balm, lavender , sandalwood, basil etc

If you have bought earthing sheet/ mat it too will naturally polarises and dis-charge cells , replenishes electronic shortages  by recharging - the bio-electro magnetic batteries  of the nerves system 

4th esssential oil uplifting quality
One citrus E.O. Your probable options are grapefruit, bergamot , orange( I prefer mandarin )lemon , lime 
(if your gona be using a diffuser, it doesn't allow for citrus E.O. 
Choose another i.e. lemon grass or spearmint, citronella ... (Note:not Peppermint maybe too warming) 1 

Note :Make sure you have cross checked for contra-indication. 

Use them individually at first to use for 'now' in diffuser / oil candle burner. 

than consider combining a drop of  two E.O. each ... 
Than using a drop from all four  E.O. 
Adjust to how you see fit 

As for flower remedy - just go for Bach rescue remedy for now, and add two drops of that in addition into diffuser / oil candle burner. 


a candle burner with a large dish to which you have added Water / herbal water  

a good haphazardness free place to put it

up 5 drops of essential oils of your choice

2 drops of the 5 drops essential oil would good idea if they had affinity for the lungs.
i.e. cedar-wood  eucalyptus,  pine etc  

the tea light candle burner it must have a good size dish if plan to place small crystal
a combo flower remedy i.e.

A Vogel Jan De Vries Bowel Essence 30ml
Bach rescue remedie

In addition  must be included

1drop comfrey oil
1drop grapefruit seed extract [] 
and a piece itty bitty pieces of  Dandelion coffee/extract / or some left from root coffee tea 

Extracts / tinctures/ powders / seeds  
Some herbs are not easily available as essential oil or available as  flower remedies  at last look online . 
However  since we only need the essence of it, for use on the subtle anatomy, meaning   using Extracts / tinctures/ powders / seeds  will suffice to  get  its benefit  providing  You have used other flower remedy drops
in your aroma dish  blend  

always use flower remedy combo of 2 drop 
Or 2-5 drops of single flower remedies combined

hence combo mentioned Bach rescue remedies/
A. Vogel Jan De Vries Bowel Essence 30ml 
Other floral combo blends work well to 

Pin pointed the A. Vogel Jan De Vries Bowel Essence 30ml one 
assimilation /2nd chakra
and the secret with this 
you can be quite versatile 
you can add just about anything including small crystals into the dish [just don't use one that gemstone that has too many nooks and crannies [ hard to clean] in your aromatherapy candle burner dish 
to benefit from it
It helps increase you subtle anatomies ability to absorb  the essences better

Other Thing you could are herbs previously mentioned  chillax herbal tea form 
Or if you can't get hold of particular flower remedy, its seed  will do same job
providing you use always use a flower remedy combo 


pinch of kelp powder, clay powder, Himalayan salt , 
magnesium flakes, Zinc oxide etc 

Or drops of carrier oil ie Virgin coconut , sunflower  etc has tremendous relaxing effect 

Small rock crystal / gemstones

Why do I mention consistently the use flower remedy in the oil  burner method 
Because floral flower remedy  brings the vibratory rate to the higher subtle anatomy , meaning that that essential oil are also bought up   a level  ,meaning finally surpassing emotional body through to the mental and spiritual bodies, sensitive individuals maybe  be able to feel  major and minor chakra point as well as sensation of stress release  at this level 

For example   the following herbs in their flower remedy form benefit subtle anatomy as described 


comfrey  integrates  the mental body influence evenly through out  the nervous system, this allows  the intellect to directly  enter all level of the body. A good tonic for the entire endocrine system, particularly adrenal  and spleen. aid in assimilation of all B vitamins

A healthy nervous system is very important in many forms of meditation comfrey helps one  to release tension stored in the nervous system and subconscious mind  
Which allows for previous unconscious thought pattern and ideas from the subconscious mind to surface, 
and are than much more easily released.

Use drops of comfrey oil , like you would essential oil

Mental  body stress often lodges in the muscle, Some Stress  in the muscles  often comes from the mental body, an aggravated  mental body often creates muscular tension
Dandelion Creates tremendous relaxation  through out the muscular structure, 

as the dandelion essence  influences  the mental body[ the natural colour of the mental body is yellow] and so there is less/ decreases stress . 

Associated with chakra at the base of the feet  which is connected to small intestine, activating this chakra  stimulates the absorption  of various mineral  to  stabilise person emotionally

Grapefruit  Extract
Primarily adjust and aligns cranial plates, which relieves pressure from the atlas,it has a regenerative effect  on the body , manifesting clearer thought and the release of tension stored in the temples, head, and jaw bone, [

Eucalyptus  as essential oil is fine 
Bring balance within the emotional states  , the lungs are part involved in   The esoteric portion of the anatomy because it oxygenates via the ethereal  properties of  the lung system, that balances the  capacities of heart chakra
And eliminating extreme emotional states , 
stimulates thymus associated  with heart chakra
The ethereal  fluidium, etheric  body  and meridians are strengthened ,
this allows other  vibrational remedies  to integrate  closer to the cellular level

Pennyroyal flower  
Strengthen etheric body to such an extent that negative thought form cannot  penetrate the physical body or psyche
[flower essence form only ] 

on the other hand is more  is more effective against  blocking negative energy waves / obsessed with a  by a specific thought pattern  I.e. Workaholics mentality

How to use 
1 drop un diluted essential oil
Or 2 drops yarrow  essential oil that has been blended in 10ml  carrier oil1or 
1or 2 drop as  flower remedy tincture form

Head care

Headaches are caused by blocks and concentration of energy…..

….in which case in addition to the following you will need to learn grounding techniques….[or refer earthing note]

willow bark, birch , wintergreen,  meadowsweet are Nature's aspirin for headache[ salicylates] -herbal fore runners of aspirin[ which does not cause bleeding problems, or digestive disturbances, ]

others in flower remedies that are good headaches fox glove  and by experience olive and  aspen [Bach flowers] combined work well

the hair is the extension of the energy of the spine, 
As it acts as an energy antenna and prana regulator 
to consolidate the energy coming through the chakras, 
it connects us energetically to the environment,
Damage , falling prematurely greying hair is sign of too much pitta 
{fire energy }in the head.

To keep your mind on track, use cooling oils for daily scalp care coconut, pumpkin, ghee [clarified butter] helps memory
Sesame and almond- soft and moist.
Use prepared  aryuvedic  hair oils

or giving your self Indian head massage! To  chosen carrier oil add 
Two drops of grapefruit flower essence can be added for really decongesting that  stress 

Note in this instant grapefruit extract will not do as it does in the candle oil burner method as extract is far to concentrated  as we need flower essence 

For those of you still loosing head hair  stress over this:  

Option 1
rinse hair in cooled down yarrow tea
/mix cooled down yarrow tea to shampoo  and  use as usual
/or few drops of yarrow essential oil in to shampoo bottle  :)

Option two  
a teaspoon of well rinsed rice ,
soaked over night in glass of pure mineral water 
Blend in food processor
Application Take  about one egg cup  of  this white liquid distribute evenly around the scalp 
Leave on over night  or an hour/ two before washing your hair 
Any left can be used as toner / or stored awynin clean glass bootle in fridge for  used within couple of days 

Option 3
Or massage scalp in 
10 ml rice bran oil
1 drop yarrow  essential oil

that means were in waxing phase for the upcoming two weeks; key words  absorbing , rejuvenating.

refer: moon time the art of harmony with nature and lunar cycles, by Johanna Paungger & Thomas Poppe, pages 50-59

Is a powerful  tonic for the nervous system, 
particularly autonomic  nervous system, 
it increases neurological responses 
and invigorates the activity of synapses between nerve cells .various energy pattern associated  with the nerves are stimulated,
incomplete patterns in the brain naturally associated with the nerve that are unused or regenerate under influence of comfrey , these nerves begin to fill in the pattern that were missing in the hologram pattern of memory and understanding and consciousness , 
that might have been previously lossed, 
help re-channel brain messages, 
this transfer of new  pattern will gradually be established purified  vibration of the mental body allows for penetration  into other [ by me  . Clearing energetic blockages at this level] 
It activate the first  or sacral chakra  these chakra acts a tonic for the nervous system because it is a major reflex point  to the nervous system under a microscope  that some of the plant structure has similarities  to the nervous system

The mental body is  association is indicated by its yellow bloom
When it becomes a white puff ball -emotional body
The seedling falling to the earth returning to muscular structure [ physical body, 
To restore calmer thoughts  forms to mental body 

releases stress  in the skeletal and muscular system  via autonomic nervous in the are relating and controlling the jaw line]  system a mild tonic to the merdian and pineal gland stimulated - 

if at any time your finding it hard press to get hold of flower essences 
a substitute  is kali mur  Tissue Salt No. 5, not quite the same level but next best thing
Refer shamanic  ?
Cedar/also kwon as thuja in Indian language??
in addition to two authors previously mentioned on the subject of aromatherapy found a very good link that downloaded as pdf : book is available to buy too; and looks like a very good read, . 
what you need 

and quick informative recap, 
covers essential oil (E.O.)
from an eastern healing philosophy, 
in relation to the meridian system

Inter relating with others 
It has become increasingly clear multi disciplinary approach to achieve health and inner balance  that will have lasting effectiveness
Yerba mate, mugwort, McCartney rose, California poppy, angelica