Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Sounds Good with Crystals

What you need

Pondering on why the book crystal volume 2 by Gurudas
[Look author up on Amazon/ google it]  for those with no idea who I am taking about]
as to why there was  a section on music
I was well disappointed when it  hardly covered additional crystal gems and there properties.
The section itself  talked about like on sounds  and crystal
the closes thing I found
on YouTube were the following




the section which  included expansive talk on aquatic animal sounds mammal, obviously dolphins, whales  others possibilities could be hippopotamus...?

Point being the crystal/gems sound vibration has therapeutic qualities.

Apart from crystal gong bowls

Some sounds instrument created back in  the 18th century but were dismissed since frugality or more specifically lead glass immediate results beneficial but not long because of lead.

So why have section on it?

 And what Orgone energy cleanser
Depending on how vibrationally affected you are by your living , working environment  it is very important to correct this key factor for holistic health anyone still having doubt here should consider again what feng shui / vaastu is at the end of  day and apply it.

Mobiles phone waves (others ie  anything that uses electricity ? ) are proven fact in affecting the human brainwaves and not in the positive manner either.
(could this be altered by mobile manufacturers?)

All this electro-magnetic waves around us ,  in how it affect human body , mind  and Maybe even the genes.

Yet what is over looked that it also affect sound waves and how the hit your eardrums or it would have naturally hit your ear drums without interference hence reducing sound therapy "quality" and "it's healing affects"

I know this from having sound therapy (crystal gong bowl) once  and listening to a live orchestra.

The vibrational difference   is immense  from listening at home on speakers or head phones.

In addition  bought #orgone# devices , and now realised should have bought asap , no newbie should be with out them. noticed a difference in my environmental space energy right away

Although I all manner soothing music , I notice a difference in my sound energy right away  after placing orgone devices around my room /personal space... Which was well cool.

Initially just put / stuck on crystals onto speaker
 I used first aid waterproofs plaster (didn't want any sticky residue on speaker by using sticky tape and than glue tack , to stick small to tumble size crystal on to that stay in place place not falling off.)

Had very calming chill out effect

Due to over active mind or body that is going through diet or fasting detox I needed further improvisation

So used #crystal# the similar in size to headphones or smaller and smoother edges and stuck that on, depending on hair length might get away with glue tack stick it on, if longer  will have place cyrstal on head wrap waterproof plaster

Note you may need to lower volume sound.

Affect full body (deep?) relaxation and mind,
Some affect you may note will be dependant upon
a) type of crystal
b) how tense your body muscles are/facial  muscles are

 since this a a new improvisation not tried out many crystal

naturally blue coloured crystal are a good start!
as the colur blue has affinity with throat chakra  which includes the ears -

i.e. blue kyanite, blue lace agate, blue topaz etc

Could use or try out for bigger crystal  with them larger headphones
such roundish agates
Yep Next list to get.

Those who're familiar with crystal are probably thinking  wicked ...endless possibilities  crystal  therapy and music variety

Those who are just into   Music will be curious an expansion in the music quality

The skeptics  it ain't that expensive to test out you don't even need to buy orgone devices for the headphone version.

Natural audio nature sound  will  be more healing

laters fazmax

suggested further blog notes


further random recommended reading

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Re Familiarise Your-selves with the Periodic Table & Human Body

This blog  note is about completing the original  crystal blog note
which you will find in blog archive  December 2013 called

"Crystal Buddies"


or copy and paste below link to find it :


mmm...  has it really been that long

Any ways

I will not be focusing and expanding on individuals crystal,
and there metaphysical properties 
 as there is plenty of that online and in books

The focus here is on zooming into what newbies require 

There are Tissue Salts that have minerals
that are foundational makeup of human body
and human cell function
All  12 are vital for normal cell function.

But  again a side note one of them
I believe the first usually
No. 1 calcium fluoride is incorrect 

Flouride  the more  health conscious
will know that it is toxic /toxin 
so how did it  get there.
into how Tissue salts are known 
 to be the make up of human body ... 
 Yep ponder upon this.  
[Yep Homework for you.. just adorable aint it]
So instead look at flourine  or 
 in easy crystal  gemstone language flourite  
or  Chinese  gun powder tea
which also has naturally occurring flourine   

Flourine is very important for the function of the thyroid and pineal glands

also look into Phosphorus ...and
conclude what ever it is you want to conclude

some links Phosphorus


There are also trace minerals

that are also important for human bodily  functions 

Look into Himalayan pink salt  and it trace elements 

Regardless of taking them
in as food
or nutritionally absorbed supplements  
or even directly in some cases as herbal tea 

newbies must be made that it may not getting to where it is needed
in physical , let alone etheric and vibrational bodies
which are your emotional and intellectual bodies

Which for newbie holistic health is key to stability.

good site to look into for whole host of minerals
and how the human body uses them :

in regards to  crystal Refer back 'booklist'

which is blog note [look it up in blog  archives]

"read and cross reference information"

and look up:

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing:
The Complete Handbook by Michael Gienger,

He has ordered some commonly occurring elements
 in crystals in relation t
o the how the human holistic bodies
respond to them
physical , emotional  intellectual and spiritual properties 
 if you are borrowing book from library
make sure to photo copy them pages 

The second guideline 

Potassium  night  
calcium day  
magnesium 24 hours 

Refer to "cellular awakening" book by  Barbara Wren 

These are vital for brain nervous system function
Take note of there abbreviated periodic table name
Take note of key words from Michael Gienger crystal book on crystal mentioned there.

Now you are equipped to look at other crystal books/ online info
Look up same word or terms 
And other words that mean similar thing 

other key books of interest already mentioned in
crystal buddies  blog note

Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing: v.1: Vol 1 by "Gurudas",

Compare  and contrast your crystal metaphysical  properties
And what your personal needs are. 

Refer and to apply colour therapy when choosing crystal
refer back to earlier blog notes crystal buddies  and an EFT one

You will be more intuitively choose the right crystal for you
And you must like everything about your chosen crystal
in it appearance too. More so if your choosing online,  
and  does it's feel  'right' if  choosing it in store.

you may eventually get your  you own copy
of crystal volume 1 by Gurudas 
[as actual book eBook not available yet]

Eventually  the pdf that you can find online
 is like that saying
'the book was so much better than the movie'
but good enough for quick reference on mobile devices

For those not familiar or skeptical refer to my first blog on crystal  and how why it works.
 yep crystal buddies

Laters fazmax

further random recommended blog note reading



Saturday, 30 July 2016

Quick Diary Update

As life been busy ... yawn away
 which i still think are the effects from  the vibes of   online subscription site that i paid one off payment for the year
call it transpersonal psychology :P
in short i have done such good job on my  emotional and intellectual  Being.

That i have done such an excellent job of being disqualified
From Employment Support Allowance [ESA]
And Disability Allowance –
Which is now called Personal Independent Allowance
Not sure if i should pat myself on the back
on that... or think shit what am gona do

side note before i continue
i did i an extended essay at university level
“On Mental Health And Employment”
Although i did exceptionally well on it
It also had a negative effect.

At the time short  version summary 2007 ESA was a Parliamentary Bill
The negative were:
 stronger realisation  than before  of what discrimination I would have to face from potential employers  from direct experience from previous employees  that may have had
 And there capacity to work  or  simply not being well informed  in all round sense of the word what we newbies actually are and have to offer  to the world community at large.
I was a timid teenager when i was diagnosd mid 90’s
And it  has been 18+ years since.
On my own initiative did do two work related courses one which I am referring to and other of course computing.
However I learnt it was of no advantage to be ‘over qualified’
Or obtain a degree as jobs requiring less, employers could simply say ‘you are over qualified’ for the job.
As the burden of proof  was entirely upon the newbie to prove discrimination took place
Never did any course again after that. At the time going round in circles without work experience to back you up.

Other than brush up on computer skills they were however done through social worker  type  people –
to keep one busy and active.
My only regret while on ESA and DLA was not being
Asked/sent or taken my own initiative
to see a career advisor 
by far so much better than from what i remember from my teenage years.
I have also unwittingly[did i?] barred myself  from any advantage  on how welfare system works  since the new benefit that i am on,  only came  in my local zone this Easter
Can you imagine my surprise doing the form for job seeker and send  you  universal credit.. i sat there thinking
“ I say what in God name is this” in American southern slang

Regardless never took any advantage  of this knowledge myself  
Example some time early 2000 stop filling in DLA form
Well embarrassing questions
Example 2 2003:
While hospitalised according to hospital shrink should appeal DLA since i do qualify I also realised one of nurses decided upon herself  to help me fill  the form wasn’t fit to do so. Realistion even more,  after doing that course.
How ever refused , saw no reason to have more income than British pensioners some of who were struggling on it.
However in “ ‘Rocky’  round  3” at the wards was allocated very good social worker; yea  got DLA

that was the summary version of that.
As for this year gone had taken up responsibility of looking  after my niece  between 12pm -2pm while my sister was at work
And some very difficult circumstances at home nought to do with aging parents  but a difficult sibling  [voldermot]
Creating an online course as in  course criteria , doing audio and pdf from scratch had to much of and over active mind effect as well [ harder to fall asleep for which to counterbalance added zinc oxide powder to candle burner method... not good long term    consider why ? big hint its Addressed.
 Neway Although i live in family home , its not much different to living in bedroom  bedsit[becuz of voldermot sibling.]

Until,  how should i put it?  ‘get my act together’

Some positive news apprenticeship are  now open to all ages  instead of 25 and under and i have applied for some.

For moment reserving opinion  on Universal Credit and job work coaches since i have never been to them before.

All very new to me

How ever i am finding i have an ‘over active mind’ hence harder to switch off and go to sleep at night.
And have had to double my efforts on how i apply holistic therapies. So much for patting myself on the back .
Since these are my new  daily current circumstances.
I naturally expect to adjust  in month or 35 days
As this is  about the same time it takes to mentally break bad habits or create good habits
To be on the safe  side did book in with local GP  doctor just to keep an eye on things

Other than that been pretty up beat and positive

Neway meant to leave a task list/ blog posts to do when am set and settled  in routine etc.
1)Hormone Address two- there are many types of hormones  all with different function  in the human body how many as lay people , Level 3 qualications  as Newbies  can you name ?
Should i leave a bleep at the end this time at the end this time :p
2) continue with incomplete post namely  application
Of crystal  therapy and dreamtime ... might be best address my own sleeping issues first or naturally falling asleep first again [under new circumstance ]before some insight into dream analysis.

3] minor updates 
a)Like looking into orgone energy/organite  devices this really is just crystal energy  which serves as input output
which is defo To be added blog post’ ‘pitfall of the occult’
and yet to create blog post  Detox for Newbies
b)sound therapy  and crystal therapy combined this really is key right in resolving my sleep issues
method old style headphones easily
{available in Pound shops [ by more than one for back up]}
gemstone mini bag {go to your local museum for that}
and glue tack [don’t matter between blue/ white]
and  and water proof plaster[ yep first aid kit ]

mmm ... lets see how well you guys do.
4) how Detox for Newbies [yes organite ]
5) Only after looking at academic  Psychology books
that are edition 2015 + more Psychology side of things .

6/7:) will go in both my two blogs
And idea/teaser of what this will be :
If I was education minister  {with an iron grip [:p]}
The new model of work force  will  be learning or updating skills to keep up with a competitive market
16 -21 year never take on full time  employment that does not provide academic qualification  as well.
How to approach education online  [formal  and informal ]and online safety
bit late for career ladder  but this is the digital world
within good[?]  writing I do as I please.

Laters Fazila

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Music to Chinese body clock

The following classical music tracks 
 can be looked up on YouTube,
any typos by me
no doubt  search selection will point you in the right direction

Music by sebastian bach      7pm-9pm: circulation  - : Yin

Pines of rome by Respighi
Malher's symphony resurrection  No2.    9pm -11pm : triple warmer: Yang
Wagner the ring

Capricco Espagnol by Rimsky-Korsakov  11pm-1am: Gallbladder: Yang

Sonata in B by Bach:-
Flute.                                             1am -3 am: Liver Meridian: Yin
Sonata in A & E  by Bach      

Mozart                          3am -5am: Lung Meridian: Yin

Concerto  for 2 mandolins in G Major
By vivaldi.                                                 5am -7am: Large Intestine Meridian : Yang

Concerto 2 violin  in D minor by Vivaldi
Concerto in D Major by Mercadante.     7am- 9am: Stomach Meridian: Yang

Music by Telemann:-
In suite A minor for flute                   9am- 11am: Spleen/Pancreas 
Meridian: Yin
Trumpet concerto in D

Applalachain Spring by Aaron Copeland
Waltzes.                                                       11am-1pm: Heart 
Meridian: Yin
Baroque styles

Pathetique symphony No. 6 in B minor
Op  74 by Tchaikovsky.                           1pm-3pm:Small Intestine 
Meridian: Yang
Peer Gynt Suite No.1 by Edward Grieg

Shererazade by Rimsky-Korsakov
Sonato in E Major for lute.                      3pm-5pm: Bladder 
Meridian: Yang 
Basso by Bach

Beethovan                                              5pm-7pm: Kidney Meridian: Yin

specified tracks within the allotted time  with overtime at best 5-7 minutes  will chillaxing
run pass the allotted time  and it  will be annoying

notes for healing music
further knowledge of five Chinese elements and 'corresponding nature sound' the following are just suggestions
water - ocean waves, raindrops ...
fire- fire place
air - wind ,chimes
wood -forest sounds
earth- singing bowls .... etc

  may be fun to tweak about it
for the right musical  blend for you
may have download/ purchase the track to  this / on free or paid apps

and refer to blog note:http://transferflow.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/musical-notes.html

if you haven't read it yet

laters fuzz/fazmax

PS information   Chinese body clock  and ideal music is from  the  following  book
Chinese Power Animals  Archetypes of Transformation
by Pamela Leigh Powers