Monday, 23 December 2013

Humpty Dumpty the auric egg.. it hatched :p

all the king men ... couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again

if the 'king' is considered the brain the 'men'  the body defense/repair system

another way of saying no longer in incubation mode  or self adjusting mechanism... kindergarten time up

like the rest of you aura needs to be looked after 
Background reading:

Direct methods: 

  • water i.e. bath
  • crystals
  • energy works 
  • meditation
  • parasympathetic type of exercises
  • the candle  method mentioned in an earlier note
  • psychic protection type of info an its application
for this note  water and crystal elixir 
water via bath refer to: 
  • water Magic by Mary Muryn
  • Gurudas books particularly the crysatal volume 1

 i'll quick mention of the 

combo gem list A

  1. malachite, dark pearl tiger eye stabilises  lower charas
  2. light pear; light opal -emotional stability
  3. ruby and turquiose-release of emotional pain
  4. lapis malachite topaz -enhances the ability to work with and express newly stabilised emotion
  5. diamond clear quartz rose quatrz - final clear out ant emotional negativity

combo gem list  2

  1. diamond, star sapphire. topaz
  2. all 10 gem elixir mentioned combo A + bloodstone , peridot and silver-activate and strengthen meridians 
  3. ruby malachite, star sapphire tger eye balanced and strengthen nadis / ethreal fluidum
  4. diamond ,  jelly opal, platinum silver =all round perfect alignment
  5. diamond , positive and negative lodestone, ruby  star sapphire
  6.  strengthen  auras and psychological states including procrastination !
  7. red coral , emerald, dark opal agood one for newbie states

ok does go on a bit in combo's 
so i'll finish off that bit later 

in short important to do one few things that alleviate newbie disorientation that always there / sneaks up on you there and no not  an a episode/ spell in ward state

yes i did all of them combo  and improvised meaning  combined more crystals in one go 
as i do own crystals  yep improvised on how to create combo elixir

my way to create your own combo elixir

a rounded /cylinder type wand crystal clear quartz
[ not hexagonal to my surprise i found this didn't work  for me...mmm it how ever works Micheal Gienger   a well known authority on crystals  so i thought am missing a step the following video may be the missing step but i haven't got round to testing it yet] quite happy with the other wand what can say less work!

your  selected  combo crystals 
clear glass container i.e.  jug water filled- optional amplified  via gong bowl+/[make sure u place a soft sheet i.e. folded kitchen roll sheets will do 
and clean, cleared surface i.e.  a window sill

The method 

u need a wand crystal clear quartz for beginners and  your well chosen combo crystals touching the two side of wand /heavier end of the wand , the tip end of the  wand  touching clear glass filled jug water leave to charge for minimum of two hours 

when ready follow preservation methods  mention  via Gurudas  books /Micheal Gienger  gem elixir book  

there are ready made combo on line to buy those totally new / not focused enough to create there own. Me  am not much of Gardner so tend to buy flower remedies  or gem elixir of crystals i currently don't own.
suggestion :
 buy a chakra bottle set   
  plus  up to  10 single flower/gem  elixir that you have well chosen after studying the info on them.

don't have more than 3 gem  /flower single/combo elixir remedy bottles open at any one time. 

looks like i'll be doing the other direct methods as separate notes 

reference info when choosing from the collection gemstone you own / on elixir available

most goods crystal books have index pages physical /psychological state etc  already allocated the hard work done; 

it may even be interesting to check the ingredients of any medication previously or currently on. 

laters fuzz

latest blog note

further suggested blog note reading

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