Sunday 11 August 2024

Unlocking Potassium's Potential: Health Benefits, Deficiencies, and Natural Support

Potassium is the second most abundant cation in the human body and the most abundant intracellular cation. About 98% of the body's potassium is found within cells, especially in muscle cells. This intracellular concentration is vital for maintaining normal cellular function, including nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, and heart function.

On mental or psychological level it help to free us from fears , melancholy, depression and feeling or fear of failure.
It promotes contentment and tranquillity, in particular to sensitivity to pain , noise
(A godsend when you have noisy neighbours ) and restlessness removes the feeling of not being worthy and being victim gaslighting, victim of bad karma or unseen forces.

Potassium improves perception analytical use of intuition on an intelligence level, discrimination between illusion or wishful thinking, and more relax attitude towards spiritual expressions sodium on the other hand promotes a sense of tradition

Natural Reserve Depletion: As people age, the body's ability to maintain potassium levels can decrease. This can be due to factors such as reduced kidney function, changes in dietary habits, and a natural decline in muscle mass, where much of the body's potassium is stored. Additionally, the body's efficiency in absorbing and utilizing potassium from food can diminish, leading to potential deficiencies.

Age-Related Dehydration: Older adults are more susceptible to dehydration, which can affect potassium levels. Dehydration increases the risk of hypokalemia, especially if there is an insufficient intake of potassium through diet or if diuretics are used.

Role of Potassium as an Electrolyte

Electrical Conductivity: As an electrolyte, potassium carries a positive electrical charge. It is crucial for maintaining the electrical gradients across cell membranes, which is essential for the conduction of nerve impulses and muscle contractions.

Cellular Function: Potassium is the major intracellular cation, meaning it is predominantly found inside the cells. It helps maintain the proper function of cells by regulating their osmotic balance, enzyme activities, and the transmission of electrical impulses.

Balance with Sodium: Potassium works closely with sodium, another key electrolyte, to maintain the body’s fluid balance, acid-base balance, and electrical activity in cells. While sodium is primarily found outside the cells, potassium is inside, and their balance is essential for proper physiological function.

Key Role in Regulation: The kidneys are responsible for maintaining potassium balance by excreting excess amounts. With age, kidney function often declines, making it harder to regulate potassium levels.

Which is inline with chinese medicine and 5 elements
Namely water kidney bladder , which in its turn control the lower back , open to the ears , and expresses itself through groaning and fear.

The spiritual goal of water is gratitude or you can use the classic phrase 'be water my friend'

Inbalance in the 'water phase' is inability to regulate body fluids which cannot only affect the unrinatary tract, dry stools sweating etc.

In ability to to reserve Qi which can effect male and female fertility which can also relate difficulty breathing , and palpitations.
In ability to of the body to govern bones and teeth which can mean aching bones that can affect mobility through to dental pain

Inability to flourish in the brain and the hair of the head
Insomnia dizziness mental confusion even amnesia loss of memory

Blood Pressure Regulation

Potassium helps counteract the effects of sodium, which can raise blood pressure. By maintaining a proper balance, potassium helps keep blood pressure within a healthy range, reducing the risk of hypertension and associated cardiovascular diseases.

Impact of Chronic Stress: Chronic stress can deplete potassium levels in the body. Stress hormones like cortisol can affect kidney function, promoting potassium excretion and leading to lower potassium reserves over time. Additionally, stress can influence dietary choices, potentially leading to lower intake of potassium-rich foods, further exacerbating the problem.

Hormonal Changes:

Aldosterone and Aging: Aldosterone, a hormone that regulates potassium, can decrease with age. This reduction can impair the body's ability to retain potassium, contributing to lower levels.

Vibrational Medicine Perspective

Energetic Signature:   clearly water body  in 5 chinese  elements, allows  water to leave the cells  hence a detox  signiture as well.

Balancing Energies: Potassium is believed to help balance the body's electrical energies. Since potassium is crucial for nerve transmission and cellular function, its vibrational energy is thought to harmonize the body's energetic field, promoting overall well-being and a sense of equilibrium.

Cellular Communication: On a vibrational level, potassium is seen as a facilitator of cellular communication. Just as it enables the transmission of electrical signals in the nervous system, its vibrational essence is believed to enhance communication between cells on a subtle, energetic level, supporting the body's natural healing processes.

1. Stress Regulation

Cortisol Modulation: Potassium plays a role in regulating cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels, associated with chronic stress, can lead to various health issues such as weight gain, high blood pressure, and impaired cognitive function. Adequate potassium intake helps balance cortisol production, mitigating the physical and emotional effects of stress.

Nervous System Stability: Potassium ensures the stability of the nervous system by facilitating proper nerve transmission. Under stress, the nervous system can become overactive, leading to symptoms like anxiety, restlessness, and irritability. Potassium helps calm the nervous system, reducing these symptoms and promoting a sense of relaxation.

Energy and Fatigue: Chronic stress often leads to fatigue and exhaustion. Potassium contributes to cellular energy production by aiding in the metabolism of nutrients. By ensuring that your body has enough energy, potassium helps you better cope with stress and reduces feelings of tiredness.

2. Holistic Health Benefits

Mood Regulation: Potassium impacts neurotransmitter function, particularly serotonin, which is crucial for mood regulation. By supporting the production and release of serotonin, potassium can help improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Sleep Quality: Potassium has a calming effect on the body, which can improve sleep quality. Better sleep is directly linked to lower stress levels and improved mental health. People with adequate potassium levels are less likely to suffer from insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns, leading to better overall health.

Heart Health: The heart is particularly vulnerable to the effects of stress. Potassium helps maintain normal heart function by regulating blood pressure and preventing hypertension, a common stress-related condition. By supporting cardiovascular health, potassium contributes to the overall resilience of the body under stress.

For me personally  
I have tried walnut hull husk , which will be available around Christmas time again
Upon the quantity you want make:
whole walnut with the nuts still inside

bring to boil in saucepan of water , 

simmer for  full hour,

 than allow to cool down, 

drink whole glass of walnut infused water.

Walnut infused  water is old Russian  remedy to clear 'energy blockages' something  I have  every now and added  healing bath or foot bath , up until recently  never drank it, came across tik tok video ,basically  saying to drink it and to expect  unsightly  No.2.   I know its tincture  helpful for  parasite cleanse. Looking up  benefits  of walnut shell/ husk  rich  in  Ellagic acid which may help prevention of narrowing of the arteries  which is caused by plaque build up, quite alot be discovered  here by bit of research.

Potassium itself is not found in essential oils, as essential oils are primarily composed of volatile compounds that are extracted from plants, such as terpenes and aromatic molecules. These volatile compounds do not contain minerals like potassium. However, some essential oils can indirectly support the body’s ability to maintain healthy potassium levels by promoting overall well-being, aiding in stress reduction, and supporting bodily functions that may influence potassium balance.

Essential Oils that Support Potassium Balance and Overall Well-Being or
help with the function of the kidneys :

While they don't contain potassium, the following essential oils can help support bodily functions and systems that influence potassium levels:

Water phase essential oils:Celery seed, Eucalyptus, nutmeg , pine, white cedar, , birch , black pepper geranium, sage. Cedarwood Atlas, lemongrass, ginger root

Uses: Use in a diffuser, or dilute with a carrier oil and apply to the skin, especially over the adrenal glands or on pulse points.

Basil Essential Oil & Lavender Essential Oil By helping to reduce stress and promote restful sleep, lavender oil may indirectly support potassium balance, as chronic stress can negatively affect electrolyte levels.

Geranium Essential Oil . It also has a balancing effect on the body’s hormones and can reduce stress.

Cypress Essential Oil known to improve circulation and lymphatic drainage, which can help the body maintain proper fluid and electrolyte balance, including potassium levels.

One can easily look up food and herbs rich in potassium

How ever for newbies might not be enough

Apple cider vinegar rich in potassium 1 tsp with your chosen juice drink
Potassium supplements are available and looking up daily recommended allowance with pinch of salt.

I suggest looking up potassium chloride salt which can be combined with wholesome salt 60/ 40 ratio and use that mixture as part of home cooking

Or as needed on daily basis and electrolytes water solution
1/4 potassium chloride
1/4 msm (sulphur) 
1 tsp magnesium flakes
Stir well into large glass of water , and drink up.

Optional pinch or two  of bicarbonate  soda  -  has cleansing effect on kidneys  too

laters fazmax

Ps  below for those into crystals 

Those newbies who are into crystals and gemstone might want consider using following stones to keep the energetic balance. In crystal healing, crystal meditation or simply by wearing them as jewellery or key chain

Potassium-rich crystals and gemstones are valued not only for their physical composition but also for their energetic and metaphysical properties. Here are some notable examples:

1. Muscovite

Composition: Muscovite is a type of mica that contains significant amounts of potassium. It typically appears in shades of white, silver, and light pink.

Metaphysical Properties: Muscovite is known for its high vibrational energy, which is believed to enhance mental clarity, intuition, and spiritual insight. It is often used to align the chakras, particularly the crown chakra, and is thought to help one connect with higher realms and spiritual guidance.

2. Orthoclase

Composition: Orthoclase is a potassium feldspar mineral, usually found in colors ranging from white to pale yellow and sometimes pink.

Metaphysical Properties: Orthoclase is associated with inner strength and perseverance. It is believed to help with emotional healing and to provide grounding energy, making it useful for stabilizing emotions and encouraging a positive outlook. Orthoclase is also linked to the solar plexus chakra, supporting personal power and confidence.

3. Amazonite

Composition: Amazonite is a variety of potassium feldspar, often recognized by its beautiful turquoise-green color.

Metaphysical Properties: Amazonite is known as the "Stone of Courage and Truth." It is believed to soothe the spirit and calm the soul, helping to alleviate anxiety and emotional trauma. Amazonite is also associated with the heart and throat chakras, promoting open communication and harmonious relationships.

4. Lepidolite

Composition: Lepidolite is a lithium-rich mica that also contains potassium. It usually exhibits a lavender or pinkish hue.

Metaphysical Properties: Lepidolite is known for its calming and balancing properties. It is often used to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The stone is connected to the heart, third eye, and crown chakras, facilitating emotional healing, spiritual growth, and deep inner peace.

5. Moonstone

Composition: Moonstone is a potassium aluminum silicate feldspar. It is often found in colors ranging from milky white to peach, with a characteristic sheen.

Metaphysical Properties: Moonstone is revered for its connection to the moon and feminine energies. It is thought to enhance intuition, promote emotional balance, and support new beginnings. Moonstone is often used to balance the sacral chakra and is believed to aid in enhancing fertility and creativity.

6. Sanidine

Composition: Sanidine is another variety of potassium feldspar, often found in volcanic rocks. It typically appears in colorless, yellow, or brownish hues.

Metaphysical Properties: Sanidine is associated with clarity of thought and purpose. It is believed to help with decision-making and to provide a sense of direction and focus. This stone is also thought to connect with the solar plexus chakra, supporting willpower and self-discipline.

7. Smoky Quartz

Composition: While not primarily a potassium mineral, smoky quartz often contains trace amounts of potassium. It is a variety of quartz with shades ranging from light brown to nearly black.

Metaphysical Properties: Smoky quartz is known for its grounding and protective qualities. It is believed to absorb and transmute negative energy, helping to relieve stress and promote emotional calmness. Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra, enhancing stability and security.

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